To create works that explore questions such as: What is nudity ?
Does stripping away clothing rid us of class, gender, and personal expression? Do the connections between our bodies and the land change when nude ? Is nudity always sexual ? What is the role of the nude in historical and contemporary art ? Is it possible to be civil in the nude ? Is there a natural state for human being ?
About my art project "AKT"
It is also close to the mind that nudity in works of art is one of the most exciting topics for the general public, who tends to "read" it literally, and not through the prism of art. Its very presence is disturbing, not whether it is erotic, heroic, aesthetic, not to mention more complex nuances, which may be intentionally or accidentally embedded in the naked figure. Art lovers and professionals perceive and appreciate these nuances precisely as artistic qualities or shortcomings of the work, but do not worry about the nudity itself.