
Description of my current work


From 2019 I am considering and developing two projects:
1.''Vertical forms''
2.''Gangster's world''
They include a group of design drawings,as well as paintings and a group of posters.
The materials used are oil paint,ink, watercolor,tempera, cardboard,canvas and particle board.
System development of the project :
''Vertical form'' - city, metropolis, illusion-center,provocation with forms-associated reaction.
What is happening in the artistic framework ?
Image,axis,dimension,sensuality rebellion,isolation ?
Where is the artist in the urban environment ?
Do they have communication,civilization and consciousness ?
''Gangster's World'' - a study of Becarelli about the clash of the strong individual with the political system. Ego socium becoming an obsession.Expansion of the GROUP in the fight for supremacy. The tension between freedom and limitation.The rebellion of the personal .

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