
About " I - The Fist "


As the strength of the talent, the picture is charged as the author Becarelli led by internal pulsation - the intention to express vividly, boldly. A necessity that can not live without it ... The colors and shapes are heavy and primary, but this is its strength. Energy and thought merged into one. Becarelli reveals his soul, he asks questions, sometimes uncomfortable.

What does the word " Fist " ?

Strong momentum in someone or something; collision? Bringing punch.

Fist of the fate ?

Fist of the justice ?

And he waits for an answer. Not for yourself!

The beautiful pattern on canvas is discordant with the expressive form and the bright color.It is the aggression and the peace in the world , within us - with pain, passions and sacrifice - all that lives in the works Becarelli. This is the Contractor Ducci, ndividually explosive, aggressive in his expression without being a slave to stereotypes

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