/ Becarelli count Ducci /

People for corrida - Welcome to the Revolution...

                                       IOAN Art News

Predatory galleries typically operate in popular tourist destinations like Soho, Fisherman's Wharf (San Francisco), Honolulu, Laguna Beach, Carmel, New Orleans and similar high-traffic districts across the country. Characterized by aggressive sales consultants, lavish interiors, art by "modern masters" and "household names," and by staying open...

Throughout your art career you'll want to engage in activities that will add value to your art so you can forecast the best time to raise your prices. Every career choice you make is either going in an upward direction or causing your art to decline in value. There are several key benchmarks that define how the value of...

Many of the artist's biographies are for artists who are just getting started in their professional career or returning to it after a hiatus. They may feel embarrassed about not having enough professional experience. This article offers several enjoyable ways to expand your art career credentials and artist's resume and biography. I hope you'll...

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