Artist IOAN - About me


  • I am descendant of an aristocratic Florentine family strongly associated with the art of Italy. I grew up in an artistic and historical environment. My life took the path of art from early childhood. I have awards from participating in many children and youth exhibitions and competitions. In my career development I am also a laureate of several art awards. I recieved an excellent education and found that I have exceptional qualities and ideas to do something different than mass art manufactory. Painting is my main passion but I always felt restricted from working in a single genre and that is why I extended my practice in the field of digital art,as well as graphics,installations and sculpture. I use different canvas sizes and materials,depending on the idea in development. I prefer clean and bright colors. I work with canvas,cardboard and particle board. For an example in my ''Arcadia'' project I invented and apllied a technique of my own in the application and the storage of the paints as well as the use of particle boards for material basis of the paintings. According to the opinions of critics,art lovers and collectors my art and projects have a personal,unique and unrepeatable style and elements of abstraction,cubism,pop art,graffiti,elements of street art and posters. Everything shown is solid foundation of life and not just art. My main developed theme is ''The City'' with subprojects ''Arcadia''. My projects now are:''Gangster's world''and''Vertical forms'' - a group of drawings and paintings on canvas and particle board with oil paints and poster images. When I am starting new art I need to attend and to make a personal connection with the images,ideas and environment so that I can give them projection of my vision.This is very important for the quality of the finished art product. The art product must break the audience, crush the sight and to provoke.

                                           Artist IOAN - Becarelli Count Ducci - 

                   Knight Templar at Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani


On 01.03.1999 Becarelli Count Ducci establish the Foundation " St.Stefan ". Count Ducci is able to reach up to this idea after he consider the trends and essence of his art work, which complete one spiritual philosophical and materially constructed work. The major activity of " St.Stefan " Foundation include the following :

- support and assistance of the education , the culture and the art and to promote the art ;

- to promote the education , training and professional progress as well as personal realisation ; 

- to help the spread and popularisation of the achievements in the scope of the education , the culture and the social activities ;
- to help the establishing of conditions for education in charity and humanism ;

- to assist the realisation of effective international work in the foundation's spheres ; 

- to help the development of young talented people ;

The financing of the charity is carried out by Becarelli count Ducci solely through the sale of his works. Whoever wishes to get more detailed information both about the work and the financial provision and expenses of " St.Stefan " Foundation  may check the numerous available idea projects which Becarelli count Ducci aims at bringing to realisation and aims to consistently implemented.


Italian artist Becarelli is an innovator in the art of 20th century,known for its modernity and as the creator of art movement New Aesthetics. The title of works are the key to the essence of the messages in them.It is inspired by the passion of Asian philosophy,Japanese ceramic, haiku, practicing of martial arts. Becarelli builds this style for many years. Becarelli's typical technology of embedding colors in glossy environment on author's firm foundation was established personally and with perfection.Becarelli paint with many relief. The colors are solid,clean,bright and create a feeling of fabulous marine life. Memories of sun, sea , landscape and life emerge in consciousness. The paintings of Vertical Forms are powerful rejuvenating vibrations. From 2009-2012, Becarelli works in Malta . There Becarelli paints most of the paintings included in his projects Vertical Forms,Arcadia,Sea Lights under the influence of the specific environment of Valletta,personal experiences and the music. In 2012 Becarelli opened studio in Wien,where welcomed collectors and sold much artworks. Both projects are part of the synthesis project-idea Mega City. 

Rudy Carabella - art critic

IOAN professional expirience : 

Creative Artist / Freelance / Ceramist , Home design , Sculptor, Digital artist , Interior designer. Collaborate with museums to develop and fit art installations and sculptores across outside area. Created concept art Installations , posters, graphics, street and gallery exhibitions . Owner,CEO at Design studios "Becarelli". Art Studios "Ducci". Alternative architecture . All about the home interior . Design , preparation and implementation of the projects . Art cover and contemporary art's representation . Art residences and art hotels . Design and marketing of fashion accessories and jewelery . Тextile design .Art publishing and catalogues. Ceramic's design . In 2005 he created New Aesthetic artgroup . 

ADITIONAL SKILL: Adobe Photoshop , Photography

Education : 

Sport college - Kick Boxing, Karate Shotokan

Master degree - Fine ceramics and glasses

Exhibitions :   France, Austria, Bulgaria, Malta, Italia, Sweden, UK, Germany, Canada, Poland,  Spain, Finland, USA and oth..

Awards :  Silver Award-Kara Art - 2004 ,  Golden Bull of WIAAS - 2003 ,  Casa Editrice Alba - 2007

Competitions :   (IIAC-IIPC) - JAPAN - 2002 ,  LEXMARK ART PRIZE - 2002 ,  HALPERT ART CONTEST - 2003 ,  GLOBAL ART PROJECT - 2007

KunstRAI - Amsterdam - 2001 ,  Biennale Internazionale dell Arte Contemporanea-Fortezza da Basso - 2003


Interviews :  GLOBE TV - 2012 ,  SKAT TV - 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004

CANAL 0 TV - 1999, 2000 ,  RENT TV - 1999, 2000 ,  BNT 1 - 2015 ,  DARIK RADIO - 2018 ,  KANAL 3 - 2018


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